Issue 1- Compute the unit-pulse response h[n]
When n is less than zero, it means at a past point in time, i.e., before the current point in time. In this case, if the system is causal, the unit shock response h[n] should be zero for n less than zero. This is because the system has not been subjected to any inputs at past points in time, and therefore its response should be zero.
Categorized discussion
Issue 2 - Using recur function to compute the approximation to y(t), in differential equation.
function y = recur(a, b, n, x, x0, y0)
N = length(a);
M = length(b)-1;
y = [y0 zeros(1,length(n))];
x = [x0 x]; a1 = a(length(a):-1:1); % reverses the elements in a
b1 = b(length(b):-1:1);
for i=N+1:N+length(n)
y(i) = -a1*y(i-N:i-1)' + b1*x(i-N:i-N+M)';
y = y(N+1:N+length(n));