Almost Fourier Transform
It is important to see there are 2 different frequencies here:
- The frequency of the original signal
- The frequency with which the little rotating vector winds around the circle
Different patterns appear as we wind up this graph, but it is clear that the x-coordinate for the center of mass is important when the winding frequency is 3; The same number as the original signal
这个发现就是Fourier transform的基础
而如何将一维信息拉到平面中,很容易想到设计complex plane,如何describe rotating at a rate of , 用:
因为在Fourier transform中,convention way是顺时针旋转,所以使用,那如何衡量center of mass呢,如下图:
然后more points → continuous:
这个就是Almost Fourier Transform, 但是实际情况上,Fourier transform倾向于得到scaled center mass,越长的time,旋转越多圈,其Fourier transform也会成倍放大
Fourier Transform (FT)
一般来说,Fourier transform的bounds在
Inverse Fourier Transform
Discrete-time Fourier Transform(DTFT)
Z transform:
After DTFT, the signal will have period
Also, for , it have polar form and rectangular form
- Polar form:
- Rectangular form:
so, magnitude and angle
Complex Fouerier Series
Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT)
Video: Discrete Fourier Transform - Simple Step by Step
Also, when we do DFT, we need to notice Nyquist Limit
Also,we can write DFT in matrix version:
it have:
For , it means a wine like this:
Fast Fourier transform(FFT)
FFT is a computationally efficient way of computing the DFT
The time complexity of FFT is , and the time complexity of DFT is
for DFT:
Z transform
The Z-transform (ZT) is a mathematical tool which is used to convert the difference equations in time domain into the algebraic equations in z-domain.
通常,Z变换有两种类型,unilateral (or one-sided) and bilateral (or two-sided)
where, z is a complex variable and it is given by:
The unilateral or one-sided z-transform is very useful because we mostly deal with causal sequences. Also, it is mainly suited for solving difference equations with initial conditions.
Fourier Pairs
- But what is the Fourier Transform? A visual introduction.
- But what is a Fourier series? From heat flow to drawing with circles | DE4
- 傅里叶系列(一)傅里叶级数的推导
- The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
- The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT): Most Ingenious Algorithm Ever?
- Euler’s formula