
Hyper Parameters

Kernel Function

  • Linear
  • Polynomial
  • RBF
    • : The gamma parameter defines the influence of each training example on the decision boundary. A higher gamma value gives more weight to the closer points, while a lower value allows points further away to have a significant impact. Higher values of gamma can lead to overfitting, especially in datasets with noise.

C Parameter

The C parameter, also known as the regularization parameter, controls the trade-off between maximizing the margin and minimizing the classification error. A smaller C value allows for a larger margin but may lead to misclassification of some training examples, while a larger C value focuses on classifying all training examples correctly but might result in a narrower margin

Training Method

  • One-vs-All
  • One-vs-One


Score Function

  • is corresponding support vector weight
  • is corresponding support vector tags
  • is kernel function about input sample and support vector
  • is bias

Decision Function

We determine the sample’s category by checking its decision function’s sign.
