What is Spanning Tree?
Why do we need Spanning Tree
- Network design: Spanning trees are used to create efficient and redundant networks, such as in Ethernet networks or telecommunications.
- Routing protocols: Spanning trees are employed in protocols like Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) for loop prevention and redundancy in network switches.
- Minimum Spanning Tree (MST): Spanning trees can be used to find the minimum-weighted spanning tree in a weighted graph. This is particularly useful in optimizing costs in transportation networks or electrical power distribution grids.
- Broadcast algorithms: Spanning trees are used in broadcasting messages or data packets efficiently within a network, ensuring that each node receives the message exactly once.
Spanning trees provide a simplified view of the graph, which eliminates unnecessary edges while preserving connectivity. This simplification helps in various graph-related algorithms, network design, and optimization problems.
More about Spanning Tree
Inward Spanning Tree, 内向基环树
内向基环树类似于基环树的结构,在有向图中,每个点有且只有一条出边,即every node out-degree = 1,这也是内向的定义。(”这个图会给人内向的感觉“)
内向基环树的特点是可以通过BFS去检索所有indegree = 0的点直到环的位置,这样可以去检索基环树里的最长链。
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Outward Spanning Tree,外向基环树
in-degree = 1,就会造成外向的感觉,如图: